The Do the Write Thing 20th Anniversary video.

An educator, writer, and a fan of the arts!

Do the Write Thing

Zemen Marrugi is the Michigan Chair of the Do The Write Thing (DTWT) essay challenge.  The program is an initiative of the National Campaign to Stop Violence (NCSV). 


All across America, students are rising to the challenge of doing something to end youth violence. The Do the Write Thing Challenge gives middle school students an opportunity to examine the impact of youth violence on their lives. Through classroom discussions and writings, students communicate what they think should be done to reduce youth violence. In addition, they make personal commitments to do something about this problem.

By emphasizing personal responsibility, the DtWT program also educates adults about the causes of youth violence. Local community groups promote the program at the grassroots level so that teachers, school administrators, parents, coaches, and young people can bring youth violence into the open, where it can be examined and talked about in a constructive way. When students accept the Challenge, they become messengers for their own thoughts and ideas, which are ultimately more powerful than violence. We say to students, “Accept the Do the Write Thing Challenge. Who knows where it will lead?”

To that end, DtWT also encourages the formation of groups called Community Peace Partnerships that work with local government, business and community leaders to provide opportunities such as job training internships, mentoring and academic scholarships for students who have participated in the program.

Zemen Marrugi and her team of dedicated community partners work together to bring the DTWT essay challenge to students in state of Michigan.